Getting Started

The Head First training process starts with an initial consultation with clients to identify where they are now and where they’d like to be in terms of leadership, management and performance. Based on this initial consultation and needs assessment, if both Brad and the client agree that the Head First approach appears to be a good fit, a training plan is developed. This plan can include executive/leadership coaching and/or group trainings combined with one-on-one sessions.  

Executive/Leadership Coaching

Head First executive/leadership coaching involves individual meetings with Brad where leaders can work through specific organizational issues while also learning fundamental concepts that will help them set the tone for the entire organization and lead change.  Through coaching, leaders learn the psychological underpinnings of how to motivate and persuade followers and how to create a work environment where individuals will rise to challenges and maximize performance.

Group Training

Group trainings involve an introduction to basic skill concepts followed by hands on skill development and practice using real organizational issues and situations. While training topics can differ based on individual client needs, topics covered may include relationship building, motivating and persuading others, expectations with accountability and building trust throughout your organization. Once clients have been introduced to key concepts and have had a chance to action plan and practice them in a training setting, they are provided coaching during normal work days to help them transfer the learned concepts and skills into the regular work environment. Depending on client needs and preference, these individual coaching sessions can last anywhere from one day to a set of coaching sessions that take place over a number of weeks. Upon completion of the coaching sessions, to provide accountability moving forward, managers are encouraged to meet with their supervisors to detail how they plan to use their new managerial skills on a day to day basis. See sample training topics here.